I learned the other day, for the um-teenth time, how crucial lighting really is.
It is what makes or breaks the mood. It sets the atmosphere. It can create a feeling, just by being.
Not all light is created equal.
LED is the new standard.
The majority of USA commercial buildings have adopted the LED light, and are enjoying the fruit.
Only 40%, maybe a bit more, are drinking the Kool Aid, but I suspect, we’ll all be dialed in within a decade.
The is a game changer, lighting can run the full spectrum of applications.
On the street, inside a kitchen, built into furniture.
Swapping commercial lights from florescent and metal halides to LED, will reduce your bill by up to 60-70% (of the lighting portion), and the result will be better lighting, for less $$$.
The health factor is another thing, and researchers are no longer pulling the punch and ignoring the results.
A recent study found that students who attended schools with mostly natural light had a 10% to 21% higher learning rate and higher test scores.
Fluorescent lighting exposes the eye to higher levels of UV radiation, which can lead to eye disease. A study conducted in Australia showed an increase of at least 10,000 additional cases of eye disease each year, after many homes and workplaces moved from incandescent lighting to fluorescent lighting.
Other studies conducted in workplaces before and after the switch to LEDs have also shown an improvement in visual and cognitive tasks by 8.3%, increased attention, focus and faster reaction times, and reduced fatigue and rates of depression.
It has become a slam dunk no brainer – invest in LED lighting.